Animatronic Mesozoic


Well, dang, guys. I cannot thank you enough for the first week of Rev. Matt’s Monster Science! All the people who’ve gotten the word out! All the kind words! 90 Facebook ‘likes’! (There’s a Facebook page for this, see.) Thank you so, so much.

For this week’s video, we go to what was in fact the first video ever made for this project, in the now-forgotten days of August 2012. At the end of the first Encyclopedia Show, they announced the topic for the following month’s, which was dinosaurs, and I just about fell out of my chair. But, alas! I could not make the following month’s show, so the producers gave me kind permission to put together a film to show in my stead. This…is that video. My benefactor Tony and I went on down to the animatronic dinosaur exhibit at the Minnesota Zoo and I said a few words in front of each dinosaur; this may or may not be the same exhibit that’s up there now – they took it down and put it back up again, and to my shame, I have not yet been back. Hope you like it.