Dinosaurs: The History of Prehistory


An exploration of the varying perceptions of dinosaurs through time, from the reptilian lumberers – unfit to survive – of the olden days, to the feathery, dynamic animals of today. Societal attitudes toward evolution in general informed early attitudes toward dinosaurs; but new fossil discoveries through the decades could only change these attitudes. Get ready for the new Jurassic World movie the Monster Science way!

Posted by
Reverend Matt

May 7, 2018

The Ten Best Dinosaurs: Phoenix Late Night Monster Science

The debut of Reverend Matt’s Monster Science’s very own Phoenix Late Night slot! The third Thursday of the month, January through March, and perhaps onward!

First up: “The Ten Best Dinosaurs,” which covers exactly that – the ten dinosaurs that are, in fact, the best. Some because they changed our understanding of what evolution could do, some because of their incredible size, some because of their utter bizarreness, but all because they were totally rad. Continue reading…

Posted by
Reverend Matt

December 29, 2017

Animatronic Mesozoic


Well, dang, guys. I cannot thank you enough for the first week of Rev. Matt’s Monster Science! All the people who’ve gotten the word out! All the kind words! 90 Facebook ‘likes’! (There’s a Facebook page for this, see.) Thank you so, so much. Continue reading…

Posted by
Reverend Matt

June 20, 2013