How To Contract Lycanthropy


This week’s entry is my third appearance at the Encyclopedia Show Minneapolis, way back in December of 2012! (Which explains the bit at the end of my piece.) It’s the first one where I began to get abusive with that show’s monthly theme, which was, in this case, “Obsolete Diseases.” Still, it went over pretty okay, and afterwards Mike Fotis (a producer of the show, seen here transitioning between myself and fact-checker Levi Weinhagen) was kind enough to give me a standing invitation to the show. I thanked him, and said, “But you do realize I’ll always take the monthly theme and turn it into being about monsters?” “Yes, that’s fine, you’ve shown that you can do that,” he said. Continue reading…

Posted by
Reverend Matt

August 1, 2013

Lizard Woman From The Dawn Of Time


This week: I interview Madame Vastra (not Neve McIntosh), of Doctor Who fame (some of you like Doctor Who, don’t you? I think some of you like Doctor Who), and we learn terrifying new things about the already baffling Silurians canon. Bottomless thanks to Ms. Michelle Frank, for obvious reasons. Thanks also to CONvergence 2013, for providing the forum in which this was possible! Continue reading…

Posted by
Reverend Matt

July 11, 2013

It’s Alive!


Welcome! Welcome to Reverend Matt’s Monster Science. I’ll leave it to the ‘About’ page to explain just what in heaven’s name is going on around here, and say only that this is the beginning, and I hope you like it, and that I look forward to hearing your feedback! This is very much a project that will improve with time – screen resolution being the first thing to which I must draw my attention. (If only because this resolution does violence to Dr. Amy Bambi Wendt’s extraordinary title screen; Dr. Wendt, I apologize!) Continue reading…

Posted by
Reverend Matt

June 13, 2013